Bow hunters are very serious and committed towards their work. They require efficient tools with efficient working. They focus a lot on all the required accessories and equipment’s.
But you should know that the bow is only half there is also an arrow. You need to have an arrow as it is the part of the weapon that kills. But there are some things you should know before buying one. So you are able to buy the best arrow.
Nowadays there are up to date bow and arrows way better than the old ones. So let me tell you about the characteristics an advanced hunting utensil.
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Parts of an arrow:

Today’s archery has become even more advances and modern. There is a good combination of technology and aerodynamic designing. In old times people use to make tools from stones, woods and animal bones.
But in this modern period where technology has grounded its feet in our day to day life, archery has also been modernized and advanced. Arrows are more technically designed to give perfect results with comfort.
As we know that an archer is incomplete without bow and arrows. Having them is not just enough; you need to have perfect and accurate equipment. If you want to know the working of these tools and the important parts with which they are made up of then, here is a small guide for all of you up there.
So, Scroll down to know more about today’s arrow and its different parts..!!
Arrow parts in detail:
Arrow Nock:
Arrows have different parts in it. Nock, it is basically a plastic tip of the arrow. Its main work is to keep the arrows on the exact position. It snaps on the nocking point of the bowstrings and do its work.
There are different sizes of nock available for different shapes and sizes of arrows. It is very important to choose the exact size for your arrow because it affects your aim while shooting. Only a good choice can save your day while hunting or shooting arrows otherwise.
The reason behind this remain the same, the nock has a specific role to play while shooting. It allows the arrow to stay on point while you set to attack your target.
Moreover, if your nock adjusts perfectly with the arrow then it will make sure that the arrow will hang with the bowstring and would not fall of at any point. But it will not interrupt the string to rotate with in the notch.
Read More: The correct way to nock an arrow
Let’s look at some of the types of the Nocks you can use with different arrows;
Conventional nocks:
These are basically used with the coned shaped shafts but are easy to adjust. They just take seconds in fixing into the arrows because you just simply need to press them on the right place and the other option for this is to fix it with some glue.
Over nocks:
Over nocks are very good in adjusting. It easily slides over the shaft and is very simple to install. It comes in different sizes so one can choose according to the requirement.
Pin nocks:
These nocks are very simple to use and can adjust to all of the arrows without creating any problem. It locks well on to the shaft where it gets fit. Many of the archers prefer them because of the accurate results it offers. It is mostly used while competitions.
These different types of nocks are very simple and yet efficient in their work. An archer who is fully trained with all of the work can easily change and install it at home without facing any problem.
Arrow Fletching:
There is another part of an arrow which is called arrow fletching. It is very important part of an arrow. In olden times it was made by the real feathers of different birds, such as hen or cock.
But now when everything has gone so advanced then these fletching are also coming in synthetic ones. They can vary in length and sizes. All depends upon the requirement and size of the arrow.
Moreover it plays an aerodynamic function for an arrow it gives a nice and wide flight to the arrow. These are mostly attached to the shaft but the direction of it varies that either it should be straight, parallel, helical or etc.
In most of the arrows, the fletching is attached to it in the exact place. The professional archers know how they wanted their tools to be so they adjust things and parts according to their own ease and requirements.
Let’s see how interesting its working is!
Additionally, it depends upon the style of the arrows and fletching that either it uses two or three vanes in it. Mostly there are three vanes on the rear of an arrow. From which two of them are of the same color and respectively one will have some other color.
While shooting this side of the arrow with fletching is towards the archer and it helps in giving a nice and smooth flight. Furthermore it also improves the quality of archery and shooting of the arrows becomes more efficient and accurate.
Arrow Shaft:
Arrows have different parts and all of them have crucial roles to play. Each and every single part of arrows holds great significance. Selecting an efficient arrow shaft is also very important. There are some of the factors which are significant while looking for perfect shaft of arrows.
These shafts are made up of different materials. The material varies among the users. Choosing a right shaft arrow is crucial because it directly affects the accuracy while shooting an arrow.
Different types of arrows are made up of wood, aluminum, carbon and many other materials!
Looking at some of the major factors is important so, come and keep reading.
Spine of the shaft depends upon the setting of the bows. This can be complicated otherwise. When an arrow is fired it is important that the shaft should be flexible or stiffened otherwise it will affect the accuracy of the shot.
Weight of the shaft:
Weight holds great significance when it comes to shooting of an arrow. Arrows are designed according to the shooting targets. Mainly it has been seen that an arrow’s weight is kept supposedly heavy for a perfect shot.
But, in the case of arrow shafts the lighter weights are recommended. The reason behind light weight is that the arrow will fly smoothly and easily towards the target.
Moreover it can be dependent upon the personal preference of the archer or the hunter that what kind of arrow suits him while work.
Thickness of the shaft depends upon how is the spine of the shaft and also it is affected by the weight of the shaft. The weight and spine helps to take an accurate flight to an arrow. It gives the power to the arrow so that it matches to the energy produced by the bow.
Arrow Length:
Like all of the other parts of arrows length also have its own importance in different times of archery. An arrow should have perfect and accurate length of specified weight.
Additionally if you don’t know much about archery then you would be amazed to hear that the length and all other aspects of an arrow are measured according to the standards of AMO.
It is the Archery Manufacturer’s Association which specifies the standards. According to AMO an arrow should be measured from its notch to the end of the shaft and this is the right way to get over it.
Arrow length is given importance while choosing the right one. It depends upon the size of your bow that which size of arrow it can accommodate easily. But it AMO standard is compulsory to go through.
Interestingly if your arrows are not of the size you wanted them to be of then you can adjust their size at home. It is so easy and simple to adjust your arrow by yourself.
If you have to cut carbon arrows then it may cause some kind of difficulty as well.
Arrow Head or Arrow Point:
Head of the arrow is also called arrow point or arrow head. It is considered to be the most dangerous and special part of an arrow. Arror head is the part of an arrow which directly hits your target and even kills it.
This can cause serious injuries also if the shots get missed or hit somebody else. There are also different types of the arrow heads for an arrow. All of them are used differently in different situations.
There is a slight difference observed in field point and broad heads. The field point is used in archery whereas the broad headed points are mostly used while hunting.
Some of the things are must to be noticed if you are an archer. In the beginning some of the things are there which you need to know at any cost because they will help you out throughout the archer carrier.
- The first and foremost thing is that you should use arrowheads and shafts which are exactly the way recommended by the manufacturers of them. If you will do amendments according to your choice then it may cause problem such as dry firing of an arrow.
- You should not forget to purchase hunting broad heads in separate places. Interestingly most of the crossbow companies add them in the package for customer convenience.
- Other than this you should make sure that the broad heads of the arrow and the arrow point should be of same weight. You can also go for the slight heavier arrows as it gives more speed while shooting.
1. How the weights of arrow affect your target?
Ans: If you are an archer then you must know this fact that while shooting an arrow its weight matters a lot. Mostly the medium and heavy weighted arrows are considered to me more accurate for hunting.
There is logic behind selecting a right weight arrow for your bow because, the heavy weighted arrows retains the kinetic energy in them which gives the best results. Moreover it also matches to the energy thrown by the bow.
So, the weight means a lot for good shot. It also makes less noise and do not recoils. Other than this it conveys less vibration than others if the energy is not used. this is the efficient working of it.
2. Is spine of an arrow important?
Ans: Yes! Spine of an arrow holds great importance while you choose a best one for you. A wrong choice can affect you rate of accuracy while shooting an arrow. For an archer hitting its target is the first and foremost aim.
So, if you select a good spine arrow then it will probably not let you down while shooting it. Additionally, many of the brands like Easton provide the best quality of arrows with perfect accuracy and also they add guides to understand the function of every part in an arrow.
Wrapping up:
For a hunter or an archer, these arrows have great importance. They need to know all of the essential parts of arrows and at the same time it is important to get to know about their specific functions.
Additionally, the rate of good and accurate shots depends upon the right usage of different parts being placed correctly in arrows . In case the bow is generating more power than the arrow should be able to match with that power in order of a good aim. It should be more accurate and stiffer.
Moreover most of the archers go for the stiffer arrows because they give the accurate results. Length is also an important part to have a look on so keep it this fact in your mind while selecting a perfect arrow.
Furthermore archers would be looking for this kind of information so we have mentioned them above in detail. Keeping all these things in mind will lead you the best of the arrow for your archery and will be more accurate and perfect on point.